I can only control what I can control.  And that’s not nothing.

I can control what I put in my body.

I can control what media I consume.

I can control where I go.

I can control which shows I watch.

I can control which books I read.

I can control what exercises I do.

I can control how often (and how intensely) I exercise.

I can control what I tell myself, aka, my self talk.

I can control what I tell others.

I can control how I treat others.

I can control how I practice self-care.

I can control how I show up at home.

I can control staying home during COVID-19.

I can control how i show up at work.

I can control how often I wash my hands.

I can control how I practice good hygeine.

I can control how I handle disappointment. Like massive disappointment.

I can control my morning routine.

I can control how often I meditate (and for how long).

I can control my inner prayer life.

I can control the example I set for others as a good person and as a Christian.

I can control how (and how often) I use social media.

I can control how and how often I reach out to connect with friends and family.

I can control getting fit and losing weight.

I can control being a leader when it’s time to lead.

I can control being a follower when it’s time to follow.

I can’t control everything.

I can only control what I can control.

I’ll give the rest up to God.

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